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The Bible is a sacred book for Jews and Christians. The Christian Bible
has two parts—the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Jew­ish
Bible is the Old Testament. The word “bible” comes from a Greek word
biblia that means books.

Stories in the Bible tell us how peo­ple lived, traveled, fought, and
wor­shiped thousands of years ago. If you want to visit the lands
described in the Bible, you must travel to the eastern end of the
Mediterranean Sea. There you will find many of the places that you read
about in the Bible.

You will also find many places of worship. In the city of Jerusalem, for
example, Christians can worship at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
This church is believed to stand on the hill of Calvary, or Golgotha,
where Jesus was crucified.

Jews can worship at the Wailing Wall, their most sacred shrine.

Moslems can worship at the Dome of the Rock, which is also known as the
Mosque of Omar.

In this view of Jerusalem, the large building is the Dome of the Rock,
just behind the walls of tire Old City. The new sections of Jerusalem
rise in the distance.

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