This Is the Way the Ladies Ride
This is the way the ladies ride, Nimble, nimble, nimble, nimble!
This is the way the ladies ride, A-nimble, nimble, nimble!
This is the way the gentlemen ride, Gallop-a-trot, gallop-a-trot!
This is the way the gentlemen ride, Gallop-a-gallop-a-trot!
This is the way the farmers ride, Hobbledy-hoy, hobbledy-hoy!
This is the way the farmers ride, Hobbledy-hobbledy-hoy!
Ride a Cockhorse
Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross, To see a fine lady upon a white
horse; Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, And she shall have
music wherever she goes.