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The Monkeys and the Crocodile

The Monkeys and the Crocodile

by Laura E. Richards

Five little monkeys Swinging from a tree;

Teasing Uncle Crocodile, Merry as can be.

Swinging high, swinging low, Swinging left and right: “Dear Uncle
Crocodile, Come and take a bite!”

Five little monkeys Swinging in the air;

Heads up, tails up, Little do they care.

Swinging up, swinging down, Swinging far and near: “Poor Uncle
Crocodile, Aren’t you hungry, dear?”

Four little monkeys Sitting in a tree;

Heads down, tails down, Dreary as can be.

Weeping loud, weeping low, Crying to each other:

“Wicked Uncle Crocodile To gobble up our brother!”

The Little Turtle

by Vachel Lindsay

There was a little turtle.

He lived in a box.

He swam in a puddle.

He climbed on the rocks.

He snapped at a mosquito.

He snapped at a flea.

He snapped at a minnow.

And he snapped at me.

He caught the mosquito.

He caught the flea.

He caught the minnow.

But he didn’t catch me.

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