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The Monkey and the Crocodile

The Monkey and the Crocodile

a Jataka Tale from India retold by Ellen C. Babbitt

A Monkey lived in a great tree on a river bank. In the river there were
many Crocodiles.

A Crocodile watched the Monkeys for a long time, and one day she said to
her son: “My son, get one of those Monkeys for me. I want the heart of a
Monkey to eat.”

“How am I to catch a Monkey?” asked the little Crocodile. “I do not
travel on land, and the Monkey does not go into the water.”

“Put your wits to work, and you’ll find a way,” said the mother.

And the little Crocodile thought and thought.

At last he said to himself: “I know what I’ll do. I’ll get that Monkey
that lives in a big tree on the river bank. He will wish to go across
the river to the island where the fruit is so ripe.”

So the Crocodile swam to the tree where the Monkey lived. But he was a
stupid Crocodile.

“Oh, Monkey,” he called, “come with me over to the island where the
fruit is so ripe.”

“How can I go with you?” asked the Monkey. “I do not swim.”

“No—but I do. I will take you over on my back,” said the Crocodile.

The Monkey was greedy, and wanted the ripe fruit, so he jumped down on
the Crocodile’s back.

“Off we go!” said the Crocodile.

“This is a fine ride you are giving me!” said the Monkey.

“Do you think so? Well, how do you like this?” asked the Crocodile,

“Oh, don’t!” cried the Monkey, as he went under the water. He was
afraid to let go, and he did not know what to do under the water.

When the Crocodile came up, the Monkey sputtered and choked. “Why did
you take me underwater, Crocodile?” he asked.

“I am going to kill you by keeping you underwater,” answered the
Crocodile. “My mother wants the heart of a Monkey to eat, and I’m
going to take yours to her.”

“I wish you had told me you wanted my heart,” said the Monkey, “then I
might have brought it with me.”

“How queer!” said the stupid Crocodile. “Do you mean to say that you
left your heart back there in the tree?”

“That is what I mean,” said the Monkey. “If you want my heart, we must
go back to the tree and get it. But we are so near the island where
the ripe fruit is, please take me there first.”

straight back to your tree. Never mind the ripe fruit. Get your heart
and bring it to me at once. Then we’ll see about going to the island.”

“Very well,” said the Monkey.

But no sooner had he jumped onto the bank of the river than—whisk!
up he ran into the tree.

From the topmost branches he called down to the

Crocodile in the water below:

“My heart is way up here! If you want it, come for it, come for it!”

“No, Monkey,” said the Crocodile, “I’ll take you

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