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The Kangaroo

The Kangaroo

by Elizabeth Coatsworth

It is a curious thing that you don’t wish to be a kangaroo, to hop hop
hop and never stop

the whole day long and the whole night, too!

to hop across Australian plains

with tails that sweep behind like trains

and small front paws

and pointed jaws

and pale neat coats to shed the rains.

If skies be blue, if skies be gray, they bound in the same graceful
way into dim space at such a pace

that where they go there’s none to say!

Nature Note by Arthur Guiterman

Undoubtedly the Kangaroos

Have fun;

They hop because they do not choose To run.

The Rabbit

by Elizabeth Madox Roberts

When they said the time to hide was mine, I hid back under a thick

And while I was still for the time to pass, A little gray thing came out
of the grass.

He hopped his way through the melon bed And sat down close by a cabbage

He sat down close where I could see, And his big still eyes looked hard
at me,

His big eyes bursting out of the rim, And I looked back very hard at


by A. A. Milne

Christopher Robin goes Hoppity, hoppity,

Hoppity, hoppity, hop. Whenever I tell him Politely to stop it, he
Says he can’t possibly stop.

If he stopped hopping, he couldn’t go anywhere, Poor little Christopher
Couldn’t go anywhere … That’s why he always goes Hoppity, hoppity,
Hoppity, Hoppity, Hop.

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