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I Keep Three Wishes Ready

I Keep Three Wishes Ready

by Annette Wynne

I keep three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a fairy
Coming down the street.

I’d hate to have to stammer, Or have to think them out, For it’s very
hard to think things up When a fairy is about.

And I’d hate to lose my wishes, For fairies fly away, And perhaps I’d
never have a chance On any other day.

The Little Elfman

by John Kendrick Bangs

I met a little Elfman once, Down where the lilies blow.

I asked him why he was so small, And why he didn’t grow.

He slightly frowned, and with his eye He looked me through and

“I’m just as big for me,” said he, “As you are big for you!”

So I keep three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a

Coming down the street.

The Best Game the Fairies Play

by Rose Fyleman

The best game the fairies play,

The best game of all, Is sliding down steeples— (You know they’re very

You fly to the weathercock,

And when you hear it crow

You fold your wings and clutch your things And then let go!

They have a million other games— Cloud-catching’s one,

And mud-mixing after rain

Is heaps and heaps of fun;

But when you go and stay with them

Never mind the rest,

Take my advice—they’re very nice, But steeple-sliding’s best!

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