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How Many Colors?

How Many Colors?

What Is Pink?

by Christina Rossetti

What is pink? a rose is pink By the fountain’s brink.

What is red? a poppy’s red In its barley bed.

What is blue? the sky is blue Where the clouds float thro’. What is
white? a swan is white Sailing in the light.

What is yellow? pears are yellow, Rich and ripe and mellow.

What is green? the grass is green, With small flowers between.

What is violet? clouds are violet In the summer twilight.

What is orange? why, an orange, Just an orange!

The Purple Cow

by Gelett Burgess

I never saw a Purple Cow,

I never hope to see one, But I can tell you, anyhow, I’d rather see than
be one!


by David McCord

Green is go, and red is stop, and yellow is peaches with cream on top.

Earth is brown, and blue is sky; yellow looks well on a butterfly.

Clouds are white, black, pink, or mocha; yellow’s a dish of tapioca.

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