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Things to Know | An Animal Alphabet

Things to Know

An Animal Alphabet

A is for ant.

Where there’s one, there are many. You either see lots or you don’t
see any.

B is for bear asleep in its den.

When spring comes around it will wake up again.


C is for cat, so soft and so furry, dainty and curious, mewy and

D is for dog with a cold, wet nose, who follows its master wherever
he goes.

E is for eagle that soars through the air and hunts from the sky
when the weather is fair.

F is for fly

that makes a loud buzz whenever it flies— which it often does.

G is for goat on a mountain high, grazing on grass while the clouds
roll by.

H is for horse, whose feet go clup-clup. It can run like the wind,
and it sleeps standing up.


K is for koala.

It looks like a bear, but it eats eucalyptus, and bears wouldn’t dare.

I is for iguana.

A dragon it’s not.

It’s a sun-loving lizard that lives where it’s hot.

J is for jay, a bird far from quiet. Three jays in a tree are a
fine-feathered riot!

L is for lion, who lies in the sun and never eats lunch on a
hamburger bun.

M is for mouse, a tiny, shy beast that is clever at finding its
way to a feast.

P is for penguin, a bird that won’t freeze when it swims like a
fish in icy-cold seas.

N is for narwhal that swims all about— a small kind of whale
with a horn on its snout.

O is for otter who often eats (without any lemon) fishy treats.

R is for robin with a cheery red breast, who lays her blue eggs in a
shaggy brown nest.

S is for snail with its house on its back, who slides slowly along
on a slippery track.

Q is for quail, who is hard to see when standing in dry leaves,

T is for toad, and also for treat. A treat for a toad is a bug to

U is for unicorn, a fairy-tale horse with a horn on its head.
That’s magic, of course!

V is for vulture that feeds on things dead. (It would probably
rather eat pancakes instead!)

X as in fox

that hunts in the night and can hear any noise, no matter how slight.

that eats dirt for dinner. If that’s what we ate, We’d all be much

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W is for


with its shaggy, thick hair. It lives high in the mountains, and it’s
c-cold up there!

Z is for zebra,

It’s black, striped with white— or else white with black stripes—
I’m not sure which is right.

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