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Meet the angle family

Meet the angle family

People have names. And we give names to different kinds of animals. So
why shouldn’t angles have names?

They do! Angles are named after the kind of corner they make.

An angle that forms a square corner is called a right angle. That’s easy
to remember. All you have to do is think about how two of these angles
are just right for making a square!

An angle that is less than a right angle is called an acute (uh KYOOT)
angle. Acute means “sharp.” And, as you can see, an acute angle is a
rather sharp shape.

An angle that is greatei* than a right angle is called an obtuse (uhb
TOOS) angle. Obtuse means “blunt.” And, as you can see, an obtuse
angle is a rather blunt shape.

There is one other kind of angle—one that may come as a surprise to
you. It’s called a straight angle, and it looks like this:

But, you say, that’s not an angle. It doesn’t make a corner. No, it
doesn’t make a corner. But it’s still an angle. That’s because whenever
two lines come together at a point, they make an angle. So, believe it
or not, this is an angle.

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