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Dot-picture shapes.

Dot-picture shapes.

You’ve probably made dot pictures lots of times. They’re pictures you
make by drawing lines from one dot to another. Well, here are some
special dot pictures you can make for yourself.

Get a paper and pencil and make three dots, or points, like this:

Draw a line between two of the dots. Then draw another line to the third
dot, like this:

You have made a picture. But a picture of what?

The picture you’ve made is a shape called an angle [(ang]{.smallcaps}
guhl). As you can see, it’s a kind of corner. Whenever two lines come
together at a point, they make an angle. No matter where you put your
three dots, the lines you draw between the dots will always make some
kind of angle. Try it and see!

As you can see, angles are very important in making designs of all

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