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Backward puzzles

Backward puzzles

Most number puzzles ask questions, and you find the answers. Here is a
different kind of number puzzle. The answer is given, and so are the
numbers that were used to get it. After that, it’s up to you to find a
way to get the answer.

Puzzle 1

The answer is 6.

Use any three numbers from 1 to 5.

Use each number only once.

You may add and subtract to get the answer.

One way to solve the puzzle is to add 5 and 3 and then subtract 2 (5 +
3 = 8; 8 – 2 = 6). How many other ways can you solve it?

Here are some more puzzles to try by yourself or with friends. The
rules are the same. You may use each number only once, but you can add
or subtract any number. See how many ways you can get the answer.

Puzzle 2

The answer is 8.

Use any three numbers from 1 to 10

Puzzle 3

The answer is 3.

Use any three numbers from 1 to 7

Make up some more backward puzzles and trade them with your friends. See
how many ways you can put the numbers together to solve each one.

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