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What kind of party?

What kind of party?

Start by thinking about the kind of party you\’d like to have. Then you
can make all your plans for invitations, decorations, refreshments, and
games around that idea, or theme.

There are lots of times when you can have a party. You can have a
birthday party, a hello or going-away party, and a start- or
end-of-school party. How about a party to celebrate a special holiday or
to welcome a new season?

You’ll probably think of many other times when you might give a party.

You can also combine a special occasion party with a special party idea.
If your birthday falls near a holiday, you might want to plan your
birthday party around the holiday. If the circus is in town, you might
have a circus party at home or going-places birthday party at the

More party ideas

barbecue party

comic strip characters party (guests

come dressed as comic strip characters) cowboys and Indians, or pirates
party going-places party (go to the zoo. a museum, a movie, or a ball

hobo party

make-and-do party (everyone makes a craft project at the party)

Mother Goose party

picnic party

skating party

sledding party

storybook party (guests come dressed as storybook characters)

swimming party

trains or planes party

when-l-grow-up party (everyone comes dressed as what they want to be
when they grow up)

When should I have my party?

When you plan a party, you should pick a day when most of your guests
will be able to come. You should also set a time limit so that no one
will get tired and cranky before the party ends.

Weekends and holidays are the best party days. None of your guests will
be tired after a busy day at school. And most children will have someone
at home who can take them to the party and pick them up when it is over.

Most guests are very excited about coming to a party. They often arrive
early. And sometimes, parents are late picking up their children
afterward. So, most parties usually last a little longer than planned.
Always plan a few extra activities for those who come early or leave

Whom will I invite?

Should I invite my whole class to the party? What about my cousins? And
my brothers and sisters and their friends? What about the children next
door or the children of my parents\’ friends? The answers to these and
other questions will depend upon a number of things, such as your age.
where you are having the party, and. of course, the wishes of your

Before you make a guest list, you should decide how many children to
invite. A good rule is to invite one or two guests for each candle on
your birthday cake. And remember to count yourself as a guest. Of
course, the exact number of guests you invite will depend on the kind of
party you’re giving, if the party is inside or outside, and if your
guests are active or quiet.

You’ll also need a few grown-ups to help. It’s a good idea to invite one
grown-up for every four guests. The older your guests, the less grown-up
help you’ll need.

The guests should be your friends. It seems that at the best parties,
the guests always know one another. If your playmates and school chums
happen to be your cousins or your brothers and sisters and their
friends, then invite them. Otherwise, stick to the boys and girls you
play with.

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