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Strings and things

Strings and things

You can use string to make other things. Or, you can use other things to
make a string. Here’s how.

Macaroni Jewelry

Dip large macaroni into different food colors for a few seconds. Lay the
macaroni on paper towels until it dries. Cut a piece of yarn long enough
to make a necklace or bracelet. Wrap it at one end with transparent
tape. Tie a piece of macaroni at the other end. String the macaroni.
Then untie the piece of macaroni and tietheyarn ends together.

String-a-Ling Telephone

Say “Hi” to your friends on this telephone made from string and two
paper cups. Punch a small hole in the bottom of each paper cup. Thread a
long string through the holes. Tie a button to each end of the string.
You take one cup and have your friend take the other. Stretch out the
string and talk into the cups. Take turns talking and listening.

Paper Chains

Make colorful paper chains with strips of construction paper and tape or
glue. If you want, you can decorate the strips before you make the
chain. Hang the chain from the ceiling or string it around your
Christmas tree.

Gadget Mobile

Use a string to hang gadgets on a coat hanger. You can use cookie
cutters, paper clips, old combs, buttons, macaroni, or anything else you

String-a-Straw Mobile

You can make many interesting mobiles and ornaments out of paper or
plastic drinking straws. Cut the straws at different angles and lengths.
Use a needle and heavy button thread to string the straws together.
Begin by tying three straws in a triangle. Then tie other straws to the

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