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String painting

String painting


  • containers (three)

  • paper

  • spoons (three)

  • string

  • tempera paint (three colors)

Before you start this project, cover your work area with layers of
newspaper. Cover yourself with an old shirt.

  1. Use a spoon to scoop some paint into a container. Use a different
    spoon and a different container for each color.

  2. Cut three pieces of string, each about half as long as your arm.
    Hold a piece of string by one end and dip the other end into one of
    the colors. Be sure the paint covers the string. Hang the clean end
    of the string over the edge of the container. Dip the other pieces
    of string into the other containers the same way.

  1. Pull one of the strings out of the paint. Hold the string by the
    clean end and drop the rest of it on a sheet of paper. Lift the
    string up again and drop it on another part of the paper. The
    paint-covered string will make wiggly designs on the paper. When the
    string gets too dry, dip it into the paint again. Do the same thing
    with the strings in the other colors.

  2. Now try folding a piece of paper in half, with the string inside.
    Press the folded paper gently with your hand and pull the string out
    of the paper. Open the paper up and see what kind of design you have
    made. Hang your string paintings on the wall, or use them to make
    greeting cards.

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