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Sock doll

Sock doll


  • buttons (two)

  • cardboard (heavy)

  • dry beans or pebbles

  • felt

  • glue (white)

  • needle (tapestry, darner, or crewel)

  • paper

  • ribbon

  • scissors

  • sock (old)

  • straight pins

  • stuffing (old, cut-up rags or paper toweling)

  • yarn

  1. Cut off an old sock just above the heel. Push stuffing into the
    sock. To add weight, put a handful of beans or pebbles into the sock

  2. Pull the edges of the sock together. Tuck them under and fold one
    side over the other. Pin the fold to the stuffed part of the sock.
    Use the hemming stitch (see hemming stitch, page 156) to sew it
    down. Finish off your sewing (see finish off, page 155).

  1. To form the doll’s neck, gently squeeze the sock just above the toe.
    Tie a ribbon around the neck to keep the head separated from the

  2. On a piece of heavy cardboard, draw a pattern for the feet. Cut out
    the feet and trace them on a piece of doubled felt. Now pin the felt
    together and cut around the feet, through both pieces of felt.

  3. Glue one piece of felt to the top and the other piece to the bottom
    of the cardboard pattern.

  4. Draw patterns for a nose, an eye, and an arm on a piece of paper.
    Pin the patterns for the eye and the arm on a piece of doubled felt.
    Cut around the patterns, through both pieces of felt to get two eyes
    and two arms.

  5. Pin the pattern for the nose to a single piece of felt. Cut out the
    nose. For decoration, use the overcast stitch (see overcast
    page 156) to stitch with yarn around the edges of the
    nose. Finish off your sewing.

  1. Use yarn to sew a button to the center of each cloth eye. Finish off
    your sewing. Now glue the eyes and the nose to the doll’s head.

Sew an arm to each side of the doll’s body with the overcast stitch.
Finish off your sewing.

  1. Now glue the feet to the bottom of the sock doll. Stick pins through
    the feet to hold them in place while the glue dries.

Decorate the doll with different kinds of stitches or with shapes cut
from felt.

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