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Sew and Stitch

Sew and Stitch

Sew and Stitch

Can you paint a picture without paint? Can you turn a sock into a doll?
Can you make a snake from a towel? Sound like magic? It is! It\’s the
magic of sew and stitch!

Sewing is easy to learn. And with some practice, it’s easy to do. If
your first stitches are lumpy and bumpy, don’t worry. If you make a
mistake, you can pick it out and stitch again. With sewing and
stitching, practice does make perfect.

With a needle, some thread, a few scraps of cloth, and a little
imagination, you can sew pillows, ponchos, and pictures. And believe it
or not, you can even sew a slithery snake.

So stitch your way through the projects in this section. When you’re
finished, you’ll have toys to play with, pillows to pounce on, and maybe
even some clothing to wear. It’s all part of the magic of sew and

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