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Puppet head

Puppet head


  • newspaper

  • paintbrushes

  • papier-mache (pulp and strip)

  • tempera paint

  • toilet-paper tube

  • transparent tape

  • yarn

  • To form the puppet’s head, crumple a sheet of newspaper into a ball.
    Put a piece of tape around the ball.

  • Cut an empty toilet-paper tube in half. Tape the tube to the ball.

  • Cover the ball and the tube with two layers of strip papier-mache
    (see strip papier-mache, page 88). Let the papier-mache stiffen
    for about four hours.

  1. Cover the ball and the tube with a thin layer of papier-mache pulp
    (see papier-mache pulp, page 89). Press more pulp around the
    place where the ball and the tube meet. Smooth the pulp with your

Use small pieces of pulp to shape the puppet’s ears, nose, mouth, and
eyes. Let the papier-mache dry (see dry, page 89).

  1. Now paint the puppet head with tempera paint. Glue pieces of yarn to
    the head to make hair. Add any other decorations you like.

Attach a piece of cloth to the tube with a rubber band. Place your hand
under the cloth. Poke one or two fingers through the tube. You’re ready
to put on a puppet show.


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