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Paint and Print

Paint and Print

Paint and Print

How can you tell a story without using words? If you guessed “I can
paint a picture,” you’re right! Paint talks. With paint you can tell
about the places you’ve visited, the things you’ve seen, and the people
you’ve met. Or, you can tell about what goes on in your imagination.

When you paint a story, there are lots of ways to use the paint. The
projects in this section will show you some of them.

You\’ll learn how to mix colors and . how to paint with brushes,
strings, \| your fingers, and other things. You’ll \’ find out how you
can use potatoes and other objects to print pictures.

And you’ll discover the fun of making rubbings. Along the way, you might
even invent your own way to use paint.

Paint and print time is a little like show and tell time, only
different. With paintings and prints, you can “tell” stories you make up
as well as show things that are real. So look around you. Or have a
dream. Find a story to tell. Then paint or print or rub a picture.

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