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Nature Crafts

Nature Crafts

Nature Crafts

Nature crafts are collector crafts! All year round, all round the world,
nature offers things you can use for craft projects.

On sunshiny spring and summer days, look for sea shells as you walk
along sandy beaches, collect leaves on the side of a mountain, or pick
some of the flowers blooming in your garden.

Crisp autumn days are perfect for collecting leaves in all their Jack
Frost colors. Then is the time to go on a forest adventure, searching
for pine cones, acorns, and nuts.

All year long, explore the banks of streams for cattails, marsh grasses,
and smooth rocks and stones. And save some seeds from the fruits and
vegetables you eat.

Seeds and shells, leaves and flowers, nuts and stones, and pine cones
and acorns are only a few of Mother Nature’s gifts to you. You’ll find
many more. By selecting, grouping, shaping, and gluing these natural
things, you can make presents for yourself, your parents, and your
friends. So turn the page and let Mother Nature be your guide.

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