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Make a large supply of papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp,
page 89). You will use the pulp in step 3.


  • glue (white)

  • newspaper

  • paintbrush

  • papier-mache pulp

  • pipe cleaners or wire

  • tempera paint

  • yarn

2 Twist three pipe cleaners together, as shown, to make the horse’s
body. Bend another pipe cleaner in half and shape it to make the horse’s
head and neck. Twist the end of the body pipe cleaner around the neck.
Cover the pipe-cleaner horse with white glue to make it strong. Let it
dry completely.

3 Starting with the legs, press and squeeze pulp around the
pipe-cleaner horse. Use small lumps of pulp to shape the ears.

Squeeze the horse all over to make sure the pulp is spread evenly. You
can add more pulp to make the horse’s body fatter. Let the pulp dry
(see dry, page 89).

4 When the pulp is completely dry, paint the horse with tempera
paint. Paint on the eyes and hoofs. Glue on small pieces of yarn for
the horse’s tail and mane.

Now try making other animals from papier-mache pulp.

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