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Hand puppets

Hand puppets

Hand puppets are easy to make. And there are several ways to make them.
With some practice, you’ll be able to make these little puppets laugh,
cry, ask questions, act surprised, and do many other things that people

Sock puppet

Put your hand in an old sock, with the top of your wrist in the sock’s
heel. To make a mouth, push the toe of the sock between your fingers and
your thumb. Ask someone to help you pin the folds at the corners of the
mouth. Take off the sock. Sew the pinned corners (see overcast
page 156) If you want, you can sew on some red felt for a
tongue. Decorate the puppet by sewing on button or felt eyes, felt ears,
or yarn hair (see page 267).

Handkerchief puppet

A handkerchief puppet is one of the easiest hand puppets you can make.
All you need is a handkerchief or a piece of cloth, a rubber band or a
piece of string, and some toilet tissue or cotton balls.

To make the puppet’s head, put a small bunch of toilet tissue or cotton
balls in the center of a handkerchief. Gather the cloth around the
stuffing. Wind a rubber band, or tie a string, around the cloth. Leave
the neck loose enough so you can push your first finger into the
puppet’s head. Cut two small holes in the cloth so you can use your
thumb and second finger for the puppet’s arms. Draw a face with felt-tip
pens and sew on yarn hair.

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