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Finger painting

Finger painting


  • containers (plastic)

  • food coloring or

powdered tempera paint

  • laundry starch (liquid)

  • newspaper

  • shelf paper (shiny)

[h]{.smallcaps} sponge

  • water

Before you start this project, cover your work area with layers of
newspaper. Cover yourself with an old shirt.

  1. Fill three or four plastic containers half full with liquid starch.
    Stir a little food coloring or powdered tempera paint into the

  2. Cut off a large piece of shelf paper. Place it shiny side up on a
    layer of newspaper. Wet the shelf paper all over with a sponge.

  3. Place a spoonful of paint on the wet shelf paper. Spread the paint
    all over the paper with your hands.

Now use your fingers, your wrists, the sides of your hands, your closed
fists, or even your fingernails to make designs on the paper.

  1. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the paper when the paint gets too
    sticky. You can erase a design anytime you like. Simply add a little
    water and spread the paint over the paper again.

  2. When you have finished painting, lift the picture by two corners.
    Put it on a layer of newspaper to dry.

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