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Drum bank

Drum bank


  • clay (hardening)

  • knife

  • pan

  • pencil

  • plate (small)

  • rolling pin

  • ruler

  • toothpick

  • water

  • wood (two strips of equal thickness)

Next, measure and cut out a large slab

Using a small plate as a guide, cut out two clay circles.

2 Use a knife to cut out the parts of the drum from the leveled

Read about hardening clay (page 108) before you start this project.

1 Break off a large lump of clay and flatten it (see flatten,
page 111). Level the flattened clay with a rolling pin. To get an even
thickness, place a strip of wood on each side of the clay. Rest the
rolling pin on the wooden frame as you roll over the clay. You may have
to level more than one lump of clay to make all the pieces. of clay for
the side of the drum bank. This slab should be long enough to go all the
way around one of the circles. The wider the strip, the taller the drum
bank will be.

Finally, cut out two narrow slabs. Each should be a little longer than
the large slab. You will use these slabs in step 8.

(continued on page 128)

Drum bank

(continued from page 127)

  1. With a toothpick, draw a rectangle on one of the clay circles. This
    will be the coin slot in the top of the drum bank. It should be long
    enough and wide enough for a large coin. Cut out the rectangle with
    a knife.

  1. Score (see score, page 111) the edges of the circles and the
    four edges of the large clay slab.

  1. To stick the side piece to the bottom piece, moisten the scored
    edges with water. Bend and stick the side onto the bottom piece.
    Stick the ends together with water. Moisten all the joints with

6 Roll a thin coil (see coil, page 110) of clay long enough to
go around the drum bank. Roll another thin coil that is as long as your
drum is tall. Gently press and smooth the coils into the inside and
bottom joints.

  1. To stick on the top of the drum bank, moisten the scored edge of the
    top and side pieces with water. Gently press on the top and cover
    the joint with water.

  2. Score one side of each of the two narrow slabs you cut in step 2.
    Score the side of the drum bank, near the top and bottom. Moisten
    the scored edges with water. Gently bend the slabs around the drum
    bank and stick them on.

y Roll several thin coils of clay. Moisten the coils and the side of
the drum with water. Stick the coils on in an X shape, all the way
around the drum bank.

1 0 Let your drum bank dry (see dry, page 111). When it is dry,
you can paint it with tempera paint (see tempera paint, page 66).

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