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Caps and hats

Caps and hats

Soft cap

To make a pattern, measure the distance around your head, plus 1 inch
(2.5 cm). Then draw a line half this long on a sheet of paper. Measure
up 9 inches (23 cm) from the center of this line and make a mark. Draw a
half circle connecting the point and the ends of the line, as shown.

Pin the pattern to a doubled piece of felt. Cut out the shape. Pin the
pieces together. Stitch on the dashed line, making a j-inch (18 mm) seam
(see backstitch, page 156). Turn the cap so the seam is inside. Turn
up the bottom edge of the cap to make a brim about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.

Stiff cap

Cut three strips of cardboard, each 2 inches (5 cm) wide and a little
longer than the distance around your head. Staple the strips as shown.
Cover the frame with foil or glue crepe paper over it.

Brimmed hats

You can. make hats with brims and you can make hats with cone, flat, or
round crowns. These hats might look difficult to make, but they’re
really easy. Here’s how.

Make the brim first. Tape a strip of paper around your head so you
know what size to make your hat. Place the taped strip on a large sheet
of construction paper. Stretch the strip so it is slightly oval-shaped.
Trace around the strip. Draw another line 1 inch (2.5 cm) inside the
first line.

Decide how wide you want the brim. Measure this distance from the
outside line and draw another line. Cut on this line. Then cut along the
inside line (see inside cuts, page 37). Cut\^-inch (12-mm) wide
slits from the hole up to the line. Fold the flaps up.

For a cone crown, draw a quarter­circle with a 16-inch (40-cm)
radius. To do this, place your ruler at one corner of a large sheet of
construction paper. Make a mark at the 16-inch (40-cm) point. Keep the
end of the ruler at the corner of the paper and swing the ruler in an
arc. Make more marks. Cut on the curved line. Then tape the straight
edges together to make a cone that will fit snugly over the flaps on the
brim. Glue the cone to the flaps.

For a flat crown, cut a strip of paper long enough to fit around the
flaps on the brim and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wider than the height you want the
crown. About 1 inch (2.5 cm) from one edge, draw a line down the length
of the strip. Cut slits up to the line. Then tape the ends of the strip
together so the crown will fit snugly over the brim flaps. Glue the
crown to the brim flaps. Fold in the crown flaps and glue on a top.

For a round crown, make a stiff cap and glue it to a brim.

Let\’s Dress Up 259

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