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Organization of Childcraft

The first three volumes of Childcraft introduce children to liter­ature
from all ages and from around the world. In Volumes 4 through 14,
children learn about living things, about machines and numbers, about
the world and its peoples, and about them­selves. Volume 15, for parents
and teachers, contains informa­tion about child growth and development.

The first three volumes present children’s literature in collec­tions
designed for specific age levels, as indicated in the follow­ing
descriptions. Each of these collections includes author, title, and
first-line indexes.

In Volumes 4 through 14, most material is presented as two- page
articles that are grouped in units on particular topics. Each of these
volumes includes a subject index.

Description of Contents

Volume 1 Once Upon a Time

This volume contains selections to read aloud and share with young
children—stories, nursery rhymes, and poems, including classics such
as Mother Goose rhymes and The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter,
and modern favorites such as Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears by
Verna Aardema.

The selections are arranged in five sections—“Nursery Rhymes,” “Folk &
Fairy Tales,” “Favorite Fables,” “Stories & Poems,” and “Things to
Know,” which introduces the alphabet, counting rhymes, and poems about
other concepts.

Volume 2 Time to Read

The second volume features selections for children who are beginning to
read—read-aloud and easy-to-read stories, poems, and riddle rhymes,
including tales about such memorable char­acters as Paddington Bear,
Ramona Quimby, Encyclopedia Brown, and Amelia Bedelia. Authors and
illustrators include

Arnold Lobel, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Astrid Lindgren, Eve Merriam, and
John Ciardi.

Selections on related topics are grouped together, and the groups are
arranged by reading level.

Volume 3 Stories and Poems

The third volume contains selections for more mature read­ers— a
sampling of myths, legends, folk tales, modern fantasy, classic and
contemporary fiction, lyric poetry, and narrative poetry. Among the 118
selections are poems by Jack Prelutsky and Lillian Morrison, tales by
Yoshika Uchida and Hans Chris­tian Andersen, and excerpts from novels by
William H. Arm­strong, Scott O’Dell, and Elizabeth George Speare.

Selections on related themes are gi’ouped together.

Volume 4 World and Space

The volume explores earth—what it is, how it came to be, how it makes
life possible; weather; planets, stars, galaxies; maps, globes,
compasses; and the work of people who study the world and space.

Volume 5 About Animals

Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and other animals are
featured, along with what makes each group special, how different
animals fit into the web of life, and how animals and people affect each

Volume 6 The Green Kingdom

In this book, readers learn about flowers, trees, and odd plants; plants
of long ago; how plants live and grow; gardens; how plants and people
affect each other; tales and true stories about plants.

Volume 7 Story of the Sea

The mysterious world of the sea is explored with photo­graphs, poetry,
and scientific facts about the oceans; animals of the sea, from starfish
through shark; and legends, historic ad­ventures, and modern exploration
of the sea.

Volume 8 About Us

This volume explores the many likenesses and differences in people and
cultures of more than 50 nations, from Afghanistan to Zaire—ways of
life, beliefs and customs, foods, houses, games, and arts.

Volume 9 Holidays and Birthdays

This book offers explanations of over 100 special days in 40
countries—national holidays, religious holy days, birthdays of

famous people, and other birthdays and anniversaries; stories behind the
names of days and months; and stories, poems, and projects for holidays.

Volume 10 Places to Know

This volume introduces children to famous places around the world, from
sites of historical importance, such as the Pyra­mids, to scenes of great
natural beauty, including Niagara Falls, to modern attractions, such as

Volume 11 Make and Do

This book provides instructions, with pictures, for more than 300
how-to-do-it projects and activities, including games, stunts, tricks,
making costumes and gifts, and such crafts as painting, weaving, and
working with clay.

Volume 12 How Things Work

Here are explanations and experiments concerning forces and machines;
sound, light, heat, motion, and electricity; the six simple machines;
and such everyday machines as clocks, cam­eras, and engines.

Volume 13 Mathemagic

This book entertains and challenges young readers with sto­ries, puzzles,
games, tricks, and facts about numbers and shapes; how we can play and
work with numbers; what num­bers can do for us; careers involving

Volume 14 About Me

This book answers questions of special interest to a young
child—questions about how people are alike; being born into a family;
growing; learning about the world; understanding feel­ings; what makes
each individual unique.

Volume 15 Guide to Childcraft

This volume for parents and teachers outlines a child’s growth and
development from birth through the preteen years and explores issues of
special concern. The volume includes articles about child development, a
Medical Guide, these sug­gestions for introducing and using Childcraft,
and the General Index for the series.

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