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St. Joseph’s Day

March 19

Welcome to our table!

March 19 is a holiday in Italy. It’s a day that honors Saint Joseph. He
was the carpenter from Nazareth who was chosen to be the husband of the
Virgin Mary.

In villages throughout Italy, and especially on the island of Sicily, it
is the custom to set up a \”Saint Joseph’s Table.” Townspeople load a
large table with food. Spaghetti, lasagne, and ravioli are served, along
with special desserts, fruits, and wine.

Three people are picked to play the parts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
They welcome everyone to the table. Guests of honor include orphans,
widows, and beggars.

Italians in other parts of the world also follow the custom of setting
up a \”Saint Joseph’s Table.” And many Italians wear something red on
St. Joseph’s Day, just as the Irish wear something green on St.
Patrick’s Day.

St. Joseph’s Day is also a holiday in Spain. In the Spanish city of
Valencia, this holiday ends a week of festivity. During the week, there
are fireworks, parades, and street dances. The streets and squares are
decorated with huge figures of animals and people made of cardboard,
wood, or papier-mache. Around midnight on St. Joseph’s Day, the city
lights up with a fiery blaze as all these figures are burned.

During St. Joseph’s falla, or celebration, the streets of Valencia,
Spain are decorated with huge statues.

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