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The “opening” month

The “opening” month

April is the fourth month of the year. It has thirty days. In ancient
Roman times, when the year began in March, April was the second month of
the year.

The Romans called this month Aprilis. The name comes from a Latin word
that means \”to open.” In the northern part of the world, April usually
brings more changes than any other month. The last ice and snow
disappear. The grass turns green. And the buds of trees, shrubs, and
flowers begin to open. Small animals are up and about. Birds are singing
and building nests.

Long ago, people living in England named this month for their goddess of
spring. Her name was Ostra or Eostre. So they called this month
Oster-monath or Eostur-monath. The Christian festival of Easter
probably got its name from this goddess.

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