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The “ninth” month

The “ninth” month

November is the eleventh month of the year. It has thirty days. In
ancient Roman times, when the year began in March, November was the
ninth month of the year. This month got its name from novem, the Latin
word for \”nine.”

When the Romans made January the first month of the year, November
became the eleventh month. Tiberius, the second Roman emperor, was born
in November. So, the Romans offered to rename the month in his honor.
But Tiberius refused, and the month continued to be known as November.

Fierce, howling winds sweep over England at this time of year. So, one
name the people living there long ago had for this month was
Wind-monath, or \”wind month.”

During this month, animals were killed so as to have food for the
winter. So, another name for this month was Blod-monath, or \”blood

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