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The month of Janus

The month of Janus

In most of the world, January is the first month of the year. Named for
the Roman god Janus, January has thirty-one days.

Long ago, the Romans had only ten months in their year. Then they added
an eleventh month. They called this month Januarius, in honor of the
Roman god Janus. Later, the Romans made Januarius the first month.
They thought this fitting, because Janus was a very important god.

Janus was the god of beginnings and the god of gates and doorways. He is
shown with two faces. One face looks to the future. The other face looks
back upon the past.

Among people living in England long ago, this month was known as
Wulf-monath, or \”Wolf month.” This was the time of year when hungry
wolves often entered villages.

In the northern part of the world, January is cold and snowy. It is the
beginning of winter. People go skating and sledding. But in the southern
part of the world, January is warm. It is the beginning of summer, and a
time for swimming and picnics.

New Year’s Eve; Hogmanay December 31- January 1

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