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The drill master

The drill master

At the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, most men in the
American Army were farmers and working men. They were brave, but they
had no experience as soldiers. They didn’t know how to march properly,
how to obey commands, or how to load and shoot as fast as the
experienced enemy soldiers. This caused them to lose some battles.

In 1777, a Prussian army officer, Baron Friedrich von Steuben, came to
America. Steuben knew all the things a soldier has to know and how to
teach these things.

General George Washington sent Steuben to Valley Forge to drill, or
train, the American army. Steuben worked all winter. By spring, he had
the Americans trained. Truly, he had earned the nickname “Drill Master
of the American Revolution.”

Steuben was made a Major General and fought in a number of battles.
After the war, he became an American citizen. His birthday, September
17, is celebrated with parades in some cities.

Birthday of

Baron von Steuben

September 17

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