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James Lawrence (1781) American naval officer in the War of 1812

Jimmy Carter (1924) 39th President of the United States

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869) Indian political leader, known as the
“Father of India”

Cordell Hull (1871) American statesman

George Bancroft

(1800) American historian, teacher, and diplomat

Eleonora Duse (1859) Italian actress, called “greatest of her time”

Rutherford B. Hayes (1822) 19th President of the United States


Remington (1861)

American artist; known for paintings of the American West

Who shares my birthday?

Is your birthday in October? The names of some of the famous people born
in October are shown on the calendar on this page and the next. What do
you know about the person who shares your birthday?

Chester A. Arthur

(1829) 21st President of the United States

Pablo Picasso

(1881) Spanish artist; founder of cubist school

Jenny Lind (1820) singer known as the “Swedish Nightingale”

Thor Heyerdahl

(1914) Norwegian explorer

James Whitcomb Riley (1849) American known as the “Hoosier Poet”

Niels Bohr (1885) Danish physicist who won the 1922 Nobel Prize for

Eddie Rickenbacker

(1890) American ace in World War I

Jesse Jackson (1941) American minister and civil rights leader


Saint-Saens (1835)

French composer

Giuseppe Verdi (1813) Italian opera composer

Fridtjof Nansen

(1861) Norwegian explorer and statesman

Helen Hayes (1900) American actress, known as the “First Lady of the

Eleanor Roosevelt

(1884) American humanitarian and wife of President Franklin D.

Jerome Robbins

(1918) American ballet dancer

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872) British composer

Dick Gregory

(1932) American comedian, author, and political activist

Arna Bontemps

(1902) American author of Story of the Negro

Margaret Thatcher

(1925) British prime minister

Dwight D.

Eisenhower (1890) 34th President of the United States

Lois Lenski (1893)

American author and illustrator

Virgil (70 [b.c.)]{.smallcaps} greatest poet of ancient Rome

Helen Hunt

Jackson (1830) American author of Ramona

Noah Webster

(1758) American educator who compiled Webster’s Dictionary

Oscar Wilde (1854) Irish author, noted for his wit

Jimmy Breslin (1930) American journalist

William Anders (1933) American astronaut and ambassador to Norway

Henri Bergson

(1859) French philosopher and 1927 Nobel Prize winner for literature

Pierre E. Trudeau

(1919) a prime minister of Canada

John McLoughlin (1784) Canadian pioneer, known as the “Father of

Sir Christopher Wren (1632) English architect

Mickey Mantle

(1931) New York Yankee baseball star from 1951 to 1968

Hokusai (1760)

Japanese artist

Alfred Nobel (1833) Swedish chemist who invented dynamite and
founded Nobel Prizes

Franz Liszt (1811) Hungarian composer and most celebrated pianist of
his time

Gertrude Ederle (1907?) American who was the first woman to swim the
English Channel

Pele (1941) Brazilian soccer star

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

(1632) Dutch scientist

Sarah Josepha

Hale (1788)

American editor who wrote “Mary Had a Little Lamb”

Johann Strauss, Jr. (1825) Austrian composer known as the “Waltz

Richard Byrd (1888) American admiral and explorer of the Arctic and

Mahalia Jackson

(1911) American gospel singer

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1919) last shah of Iran

James Cook (1728) British navigator and explorer of the Pacific


Roosevelt (1858) 26th President of the United States

Jonas Salk (1914)

American research scientist; developed a vaccine to fight polio

Bruce Jenner (1949) American Olympic decathlon winner

James Boswell

(1740) Scottish author of The Life of Samuel Johnson

Jean Giraudoux

(1882) French playwright

John Adams (1735) 2nd President of the United States

Richard Sheridan

(1751) Irish playwright

Juliette Low (1860) founder of the Girl Scouts of America

Dan Rather (1931) American television broadcast journalist

The “eighth” month

October is the tenth month of the year. It has thirty-one days. In ancient Roman times, when the year began in March, October was the eighth month of the year. This month got its name from octo, the…

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Nigeria celebrates

> With a rat-a-tat-tat of drums and a blare of bugles, rows of soldiers > march smartly down the street. Overhead, there is a roar as a > formation of warplanes rushes through the sky. Later, there…

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Honor for a Viking

The Vikings were hardy, daring sea-farers from what are now Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. More than a thousand years ago, some Norwegian Vikings under Eric the Red ventured far out into the Atlantic…

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The soldier from Poland

> Pulaski Day > > October 11 Count Casimir Pulaski was a Polish nobleman who fought for the Americans in the Revolutionary War. While in France in 1777, Pulaski learned of the American Revolution…

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