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Benvenuto Cellini

(1500) Italian goldsmith and sculptor

Sholem Asch (1880) Polish-born author who wrote in Yiddish and

James K. Polk (1795) 11th President of the United States

Warren G.

Harding (1865) 29th President of the United States

Stephen Austin (1793) American pioneer in Texas

Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879) Canadian author and Arctic explorer

Will Rogers (1879) American cowboy who became famous as a humorist
and social critic

Art Carney (1918) American comedian and actor

Who shares my birthday?

Is your birthday in November? The names of some of the famous people
born in November are shown on the calendar on this page and the next.
What do you know about the person who shares your birthday?

Eugene V. Debs (1855) American labor leader

Will Durant (1885) American philosopher, educator, and historian

John Philip Sousa (1854) American bandmaster

Ignace Jan Paderewski (1860) Polish pianist, composer, and statesman

Marie Sklodowska Curie (1867) Polish-born physicist who won Nobel
Prize for chemistry in 1911

Joan Sutherland

(1926) Australian opera star

Margaret Mitchell

(1900) American author of Gone with the Wind, a Civil War story

Katharine Hepburn

(1909) American star of stage and movies

Benjamin Banneker (1731) American astronomer and mathematician

Florence Sabin

(1871) American scientist and public health worker

Martin Luther

(1483) German religious leader

Vachel Lindsay

(1879) American poet


Dostoevsky (1821)

Russian author

Maude Adams

(1872) American stage actress

Grace Kelly (1929) princess of Monaco and a former actress

Nadia Comaneci (1961) Romanian gold medal Olympic gymnast

James C. Maxwell

(1831) Scottish physicist and teacher

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850) Scottish author of Treasure Island

Jawaharlal Nehru

(1889) 1st prime minister of India

Edward White

(1930) American astronaut; first man to walk in space

William Herschel

(1738) English astronomer

Felix Frankfurter (1882) associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Louis H. Frechette (1839) Canadian writer of lyric poetry

W. C. Handy (1873) American songwriter and bandleader, known as
“Father of the Blues”

Bernard Montgomery (1887)

British general and field marshal in

World War II

Louis Daguerre

(1787) French inventor of the daguerreotype

Sir William S. Gilbert (1836) English songwriter

James A. Garfield

(1831) 20th President of the United States

Indira Gandhi (1917) first woman prime minister of India

20 \’

Alistair Cooke

(1908) British-born author; host of “Masterpiece Theatre”

Maya Michailovna Plisetskaya (1925) Russian ballerina

Voltaire (1694)

French author and philosopher; his real name was Francois Marie Arouet

William Beaumont (1785) American surgeon

Abigail Adams (1744) wife of President John Adams and mother of
President John Quincy Adams

George Eliot (1819) English author

Franklin Pierce

(1804) 14th President of the United States

Sir Gilbert Parker (1862) Canadian author of historical stories

Junipero Serra (1713) Spanish missionary who founded the first
mission in California

Zachary Taylor (1784) 12th President of the United States

John XXIII (1881) Roman Catholic pope from 1958 to 1963 (born Angelo

Joe DiMaggio (1914) New York Yankee baseball star for 25 years

Mary E. Walker (1832) American Civil War doctor; won the Medal of

Charles M. Schulz

(1922) American cartoonist; creator of “Peanuts”

Chaim Weizmann

(1874) Israeli statesman and 1st president of Israel

Charles A. Beard

(1874) American historian and teacher

William Blake

(1757) English poet and painter

Stefan Zweig (1881)

Austrian author of stories, poems, and biographies

Andres Bello (1781) Chilean poet

Louisa May Alcott (1832) American author of Little Women and other

Jonathan Swift (1667) English author of Gulliver’s Travels

Mark Twain (1835)

American author (real name, Samuel Clemens)

The “ninth” month

November is the eleventh month of the year. It has thirty days. In ancient Roman times, when the year began in March, November was the ninth month of the year. This month got its name from novem, the…

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The Gunpowder Plot

Guy Fawkes Day November 5 \”A penny for the Guy! A penny for the Guy!” The merry shouts of children asking for money echo up and down the streets. And with them they have \”the Guy,” a straw…

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A day to vote

For months, people have heard speeches on TV, seen signs and posters, and read the newspapers. Now, all across the United States, they are going to polling places to vote. It’s Election Day. …

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Lest we forget

Armistice Day Remembrance Day Veterans Day November 11 In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing,…

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