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Make a valentine

Make a valentine


  • construction paper

  • crayons

  • newspaper

  • saucer

  • scissors

  • sponge (small)

  • tempera paint

Here is a valentine you can make for someone you love. You’ll find that
it is easy and also fun. After you have made this valentine, try making
others, using your own ideas.

1. Fold a sheet of construction paper in half. Open the paper and draw
a heart. Draw it so the fold in the paper runs through the middle of the
heart. Fold the paper in half, with the heart on the outside. Cut out
the heart, as shown. Now you have a stencil heart and a solid heart.

2. Cover your work table with newspaper. Stir the paint and pour a
little into a saucer. Place the stencil heart over another sheet of
construction paper. Dip the sponge into the paint. Hold the stencil in
place with one hand while you dab the sponge lightly over the stencil

3. Place the solid heart near the heart you have just printed. Use a
crayon to trace around it. Write a note inside the heart you traced. Now
you have a valentine for a friend or a loved one.

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