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Jewish New Year

Rosh Ha-Shanah

Jewish New Year

It is sunset. The light shining through the stained glass windows of the
synagogue is fading. The rabbi, dressed in white robes, lifts to his
lips the shofar—a trumpet made from the horn of a ram, a male sheep.
The notes of the shofar sing out through the synagogue. Rosh Ha-Shanah
(rahsh huh [shah]{.smallcaps} nuh) has begun.

Rosh Ha-Shanah (or Rosh Hashanah) means “beginning of the year.” It is
the Jewish New Year celebration. For Jewish people, this is a very
important religious holiday. It is known as the Day of Judgment, or the
Day of Remembrance.

At this time, God writes in the Book of Life what is to happen to every
person. But prayer and sorrow for one’s sins can change what is written
before the Book of Life is closed on Yom Kippur (see page 258). So,
during the next ten days, Jews pray and express their sorrow for any
wrongs they have done during the year just ended.

Some Jews celebrate Rosh Ha-Shanah for only one day, from sunset to
sunset. Others celebrate for two days. During this time, people go to
special services at a synagogue. On the afternoon of the first day, many
people take part in a special ceremony. They go to a river or lake,
where they pray to have their sins carried away by the water.

In the evening, people light candles in their

An apple and honey treat

homes and sit down to a holiday meal. Some of the food is special
holiday food. There are round, smooth loaves of bread that stand for a
smooth, happy year to come. And there are apples dipped in honey. These
stand for a “sweet” year, with no sadness in it.

In the Jewish calendar (see page 27), Rosh Ha-Shanah falls on the first
day of the month of Tishri. It can come anywhere between September 5 and
October 5.

Would you like to enjoy a Jewish New Year treat? All you need is an
apple and a small bowl of honey.

Ask a grown-up to cut an apple into slices. If you sprinkle lemon juice
on the slices, it will keep them from turning brown.

Arrange the apple slices around a bowl of honey and your treat is ready.

Dip a slice of apple into the honey and eat. Mmmmm!

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