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Island holiday

Constitution Day

July 25

Island holiday

Christopher Columbus landed in what is now Puerto Rico in 1493. It was
his second voyage to the New World. He claimed the beautiful island for
Spain. The name Puerto Rico is Spanish for \”Rich Port.”

For more than four hundred years, Puerto Ricans lived under Spanish
rule. But aftei’ the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain gave up Puerto
Rico to the United States.

Puerto Rico adopted its own constitution on July 25, 1952. On that day,
Puerto Rico became a free commonwealth with its own governor. This means
it’s protected and helped by the United States.

Puerto Ricans are American citizens. They can move to the mainland if
they wish. But those living on the island cannot vote in presidential

On July 25, there are parades, speeches, speedboat races, and all kinds
of fireworks. Constitution Day is Puerto Rico’s most important holiday.

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