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India on parade

Republic Day

January 26

India on parade

Most countries celebrate the date of their independence with one big
holiday. But India celebrates with two!

One of these holidays is Independence Day. It is celebrated on August
15, the date on which India gained its independence from Great Britain
in 1947 (see page 248).

Three years later, on January 26, 1950, India adopted its own
constitution. This set of laws told the world that India was now an
independent, democratic republic. India already had an Independence Day,
so January 26 became Republic Day.

Republic Day is a national holiday. There are celebrations all over
India. The biggest celebration takes place in New Delhi, the capital
city. Mobs of people crowd against the ropes along the road where the
parade will pass. This road is called the Raj Path, or Government Road.

The Raj Path starts at the India Gate, also known as the War Memorial
Arch. The arch was built in memory of the Indian Army dead of World War
I. The broad street leads

straight to government buildings that the British built when they ruled

The military parade may begin with a shower of rose petals from
low-flying helicopters. Then marching bands begin to play and jawans
(juh WAIINS), Indian soldiers, parade by in perfect order.

There are also tanks and elephants in the parade. The elephants wear
clanging bells and shining beads. They carry musicians wearing brightly
colored turbans. Above each elephant towers an umbrella on a long pole.
The elephants are guided by trainers dressed in scarlet. These men are
called mahouts (muh HOUTS).

As the parade ends, thousands of green, white, and saffron
(orange-yellow) balloons— the colors of India’s flag—float into the

For the next two days, folk dancers from all over India entertain the
crowds at various places throughout New Delhi. Then the great
celebration is over—until Independence Day.

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