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“Independence or death!”

“Independence or death!”

Independence Day

September 7

In the year 1822, a handsome young man stood on a riverbank in Brazil.
He was Dom Pedro Bragansa, son of the king of Portugal and the leader of
the Brazilian people.

For hundreds of years, Portugal had ruled Brazil. Now, the government of
Portugal had passed harsh new laws that would take away much of Brazil’s
freedom. Brazil had sent men to plead for a change in the laws.

Dom Pedro’s face grew grim as he read messages that had just come from
Portugal. The messages said that the government of Portugal would not
listen. The Brazilian leaders had been ordered to Portugal to go on
trial for treason!

Dom Pedro threw down the messages. He snatched off his hat and waved it
in the air. In a loud voice he shouted, \”Independence or death!”

Less than two years later, Brazil had won its independence and was a
free country. September 7, the day when Dom Pedro gave his defiant
shout, is now celebrated as Brazil’s Independence Day.

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