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Happy birthday, America!

Independence Day

July 4

Happy birthday, America!

Red, white, and blue fireworks burst above the land from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Pacific! It is July 4. On this day, the American people
wish a happy birthday to their United States.

In the year 1607, English settlers landed at Jamestown, Virginia. In the
following years, people from many countries came to America. Some came
because they wanted a better life. Some wished to worship God in their
own way. And almost all wanted land.

In a little more than a hundred years, there were thirteen English
colonies in America. All were ruled by the king of England. As time went
on, the Americans wanted a greater voice in their affairs. They wanted
to make their own laws. They did not want a king to say how they should
live. There was more and more trouble.

Finally, on April 19, 1775, there was a battle between American patriots
and British soldiers. It was the beginning of the Revolutionary War. At
first, the Americans simply fought to defend their rights. But before
long, they wanted full independence.

On July 4, 1776, the American leaders approved the Declaration of
Independence. This was an important paper. It said the people had the
right to be free. The thirteen colonies united to fight for that

On the Fourth of July, fireivorks burst over the Potomac River near
Washington, D.C.

The war lasted eight years. Finally, in 1783, peace came. The people of
this new land had won their freedom. On every Fourth of July, this fight
for freedom is remembered all over America.

Independence Day, as the Fourth of July is also called, is a national
holiday in the United States. Americans celebrate this day in all kinds
of ways.

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, members of the armed forces, and schoolchildren
take part in parades. Band members march by in bright uniforms.
Americans take great pride in seeing the Stars and Stripes, their
country’s flag, held high to lead these parades.

It is a birthday salute to America. The Fourth of July is a celebration
of freedom for people from many different countries.

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