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Festival of Lanterns

Bon Festival

July 13-15

Festival of Lanterns

People of almost all religions have special times for remembering their
dead. Buddhists in Japan do this from July 13 to 15, on the festival of

Bon is also known as the Festival of Lanterns. This is the time of year
when the spirits of the dead return to visit the living. Houses and
graveyards are cleaned. And people buy food, incense, and decorations at
special Bon markets.

At home, each family decorates a small altar. Food for the spirits is
put on the altar. On the first evening, a lighted lantern is placed at
the door to welcome the spirits. Then the family goes to the cemetery.
There, they place food and lighted lanterns on the graves and invite the
spirits\’ to join them. The smell of incense fills the air.

During the next two days, while the spirits are visiting, families may
entertain guests. And people often exchange gifts. On the last day, rice
balls are put out for the spirits to eat on their return journey.

That night, families living near the water gather for a final farewell
to the spirits. Small paper lanterns are lit and set on little wooden
floats. Then the people place the floats in the water and watch them
slowly drift away into the dark. The spirits are on their way back to
the other world.

On the last day of the Festival of Lanterns, Buddhists in Japan set
lighted lanterns adrift on the water. The little lantern boats carry the
spirits of the dead back to the spirit world.

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