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Europe’s Santa Claus

Feast of Saint Nicholas

December 6

Europe’s Santa Claus

A long time ago, a bishop named Nicholas lived in what is now the
country of Turkey. No one knows much about him. But there are stories
that he often helped children who were in need.

Many years after his death, Nicholas was made a saint. In time, he
became the patron saint of children. Today, the date of his death,
December 6, is an important holiday in some countries in Europe. On the
night before, children put out their shoes or hang up their stockings.
Early next morning, they rush to see what gifts Saint Nicholas left

Saint Nicholas visits towns and cities, leads parades, talks to
children, and often hands out small gifts. He is dressed as a bishop, of

Sinterklaas, as the Dutch call Saint Nicholas, arrives in the city of
Amsterdam by boat. Today, he always has a number of helpers. Each
helper is known as Black Peter. One of them has a book that contains
the names of good and bad children.

course, wearing a red or white robe and a tall, pointed hat.

Saint Nicholas always has a helper. In the Netherlands, this helper is
called Black Peter. In Germany, he’s Knecht Ruprecht. In parts of
France, he’s Pere Fouettard. And in Luxembourg, he’s known as

Of course, all the children love Saint Nicholas. But they’re quite
afraid of his helper. For it is the helper who keeps track of who was
good and who was naughty. Naughty children may get only switches, with
which their parents can spank them! They may even be carried away in the
helper’s bag until they learn to be good!

Dutch settlers in America continued to celebrate this feast day. Their
name for Saint Nicholas was Sinterklaas. And in English, this became
Santa Claus.

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