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Cakes and candles

St. Lucia Day

December 13

Cakes and candles

Down the village street comes a small group of young people. At the head
of the group walks a pretty girl in a long, white dress. Upon her head
she wears a crown of green leaves and seven glowing candles. In her
hands she carries a tray of little cakes. Behind her walk some younger
girls, also in white, carrying candles. A number of boys in tall,
pointed hats follow them.

Processions such as this can be seen in all parts of Sweden on St. Lucia
Day, December 13. The girls and boys bring cakes and coffee to homes,
hospitals, factories, and offices.

The girl with the crown represents Saint Lucia, a young Christian girl.
She was killed by Roman soldiers about fifteen hundred years ago for
refusing to give up her religion.

Because Saint Lucia was an Italian, her day is also celebrated in Italy.
There, people honor her with bonfires and parades on her feast day,
December 13.

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