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The Preschooler: 3 to 5 years

The Preschooler: 3 to 5 years

The Preschooler: 3 to 5 years

At about 3, youngsters enter the pre­school years— truly formative
years, marked by intellectual growth, rapidly developing motor skills,
much greater social maturity, and emotional richness.

Most 3-year-olds are beginning to use words well. During the next two
years, they will more than double their vocab­ularies. And they will want
to know more and more.

At 3, most children are beginning to be able to ride a tricycle but are
still learning to use their hands. But at 5, these youngsters will be
able walkers, runners, and climbers who can handle things with

These children are ready and eager to learn. It is up to parents to keep
this sense of curiosity and wonder alive.

By James L. Hymes, Jr., Ed.D. “Health and safety” section by Eugene F.
Diamond, M.D. Diane Shaffer, M. Ed., and Steven Waskerwitz, M.D.,
Consulting Editors

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