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The New baby

The New baby

The long months of waiting and wondering are over—the baby is

Suggestions for baby supplies and equipment


Booties or socks, 2 or 3 pairs

Bunting, or coat and hood

Diapers: 3 to 6 dozen cloth diapers or a weekly supply of disposable

Diaper pins

Gowns, kimonos, or sleepers, 6

Undershirts, 6

Sweater and cap, 1 or 2

Waterproof pants, 4 to 6


Bassinet, crib, or cradle

Crib blankets, 2 lightweight and 1 winterweight

Crib bumpers, 1 set

Crib sheets, 3 or 4 (or pillow slips, if you use a basket or bassinet)

Mattress, firm

Waterproof mattress pad, 2

Nursery items

Chest of drawers

Cool-mist vaporizer

Diaper pail

Laundry hamper

Dressing (changing) table

Rectal thermometer

Rocking chair for parent



A & D ointment or petroleum jelly Bath towels and washcloths, 3 or 4
Cotton swabs and cotton balls Mild baby soap and lotion (non-perfumed)
Nail scissors with blunt ends Receiving blankets, 3 or 4 Tub, plastic or

Feeding supplies

Bibs, 3 or 4

Breast feeding: bottles with nipples and caps, 3 or 4

Bottle feeding: bottles with nipples and caps, 8

Bottle and nipple brush Extra nipples and caps Funnel Measuring cup

Outing supplies

Car seat

Carriage or stroller

Carriage robe or blanket Diaper bag

The first time you see your baby will be shortly after he or she is
born. The baby may be quiet and sleepy or crying lustily. The baby’s
head may appear pushed out of shape because the skull bones are soft and
pliable. Skin may be beet-red and coated with a white cheesy substance
that will wash off.

Some newborns have almost no hair. Oth­ers are born with long, soft hair
that rubs off during the first few weeks of life and is replaced by
their normal hair. Their eyes may be puffy, especially after the eye
drops that doctors use to prevent infection. New­borns’ hands and feet
are probably wrinkled and may be blue or mottled.

All in all, newborns hardly look like the bundles of joy parents have
been picturing for several months. Were the magazines wrong? Where are
the healthy skin, the bright blue eyes, the ribbons in the hair? And
where was the smile of recognition

when the nurse put the baby in Mother’s arms?

Be patient. This is the baby’s first day in the world, and he or she is
not quite groomed for an official reception. Give your baby time. And
give yourself time. The joys, and hard work, of parenthood are just

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