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Medical Guide

Medical Guide

Medical Guide

It is always best to have a medical doctor on whom you can call if your
child becomes ill. A continuing relationship with your child’s doctor, a
relationship that starts with the in-hospital examination of your baby
at birth, has many advantages. Through periodic examinations and
immunizations, the doctor gets to know your child intimately and
establishes a rapport with the child. The doctor’s abilities to diagnose
a condition and treat your child whenever necessary gains your

This guide is not meant to replace your family doctor, dentist, or other
health care professional. There is, of course, no substitute for
consulting a trained professional on matters involving the health or
well-being of your child.

What this guide can do is help you recognize and treat those symptoms
that call for immediate first aid—as in the case of shock. It can help
you recognize symptoms that require diagnosis and treatment by the
doctor—a rash and sore throat, high fever and lethargy. Above all, it
can help make communications between you and the doctor clearer and more

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