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Health and safety

Health and safety

Health and safety

One of the best ways to keep your infant healthy is to take the baby to
a physician who can regularly check the child’s develop­ment and give
immunizations against many infectious diseases. The doctor may help
prevent problems from occurring, or may catch a minor problem early and
deal with it before it worsens. The doctor may also dis­

cover any medical quirks the baby has, such as an allergy to a specific

Since infants grow at such a rapid rate and are continually developing
new skills, they should be seen by the doctor on a regu­lar basis. The
currently recommended sched­ule of visits to the doctor in the first two
years is: prenatal visits; examination in the

A doctor tries to ease a child’s fears by his friendly, interested
manner. Regular visits help build a trusting relationship between the
doctor and child.

nursery after birth (once or twice); at 2 weeks; and then at 2, 4, 6, 9,
12, 15, and 18 months; and again at 2 years of age.

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