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Caring for the baby

Caring for the baby

Almost all new parents handle their babies as though they are
water-filled balloons— ready to burst. These parents are usually
overconcerned about care of the baby’s navel and nails, the soft spot in
the baby’s skull, and (if the child is a boy) the circumcised penis.

The navel usually requires minimal care. Immediately after birth, the
doctor clamps the umbilical cord, then carefully cuts it off close to
the baby’s body. The small piece of

cord still attached to the baby is called the umbilical stump. It dries
up and falls off in one to three weeks, leaving the navel to heal.
Occasionally, a drop of blood will ap­pear on the stump or around the
navel when the cord falls off. Dab this away with sterile cotton, and
report it to your doctor if more than a few drops are present. Keep the
area around the stump dry and clean. Do not cover the cord with the
diaper. Your doctor may recommend that you wipe the area around the
stump with alcohol until it is completely healed. Until the stump falls
off. and until the navel is healed, your doctor may recommend sponge
baths for the baby. Occasionally, the stump may become irri­tated and
cause redness around the navel. If this happens, an infection may be
present. Call your doctor.

Newborns’ nails are often very sharp, and a baby may get many scratches
if the nails are not clipped. For the first week or two, the hands may
be covered with “mittens” (socks or underwear sleeves) to protect the
baby. After the first week, the nails should be cut straight across
using nail scissors with blunt ends. It is easiest to trim the nails
while the baby is asleep.

The soft spots are areas in the baby’s skull where the bones have not
yet come together. A very tough membrane covers and protects these
areas. Ordinary handling and washing of the baby’s head and scalp will
do no harm.

The circumcision will appear red and may be swollen for several days.
Apply Vaseline, petrolatum, or A & D ointment to the penis each time the
baby’s diaper is changed until the penis has healed. After a few days
you can wash the penis with sterile cotton and a mild soap. Do not apply
alcohol because it may sting. Talcum powder may also be irri­tating.
Report any signs of bleeding or infec­tion to your doctor.

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