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Books for parents

Books for parents

A great many people have had a great deal to say about child development
and related subjects dealing with child guidance, family living and the
changing family, education, sex education, special needs, and health.
The books and video cassettes listed here are but a small sampling of
the wealth of interesting literature to help you in raising your child.
The article [Agencies and organizations in­terested] IN THE
WELFARE OF CHILDREN lists some of the specialized sources that offer
pamphlets and other literature.

Before You Were Three: How You Began to Walk, Talk, Explore and Have
by Robbie H. Harris and Elizabeth Levy.

Delacorte, 1981. Paperback.

Between Parent and Child by Haim G. Ginott. Avon, 1969. Paperback.

Childbirth and Marriage: The Transition to Parenthood by Tracy
Hotchner. Avon, 1988. Paperback.

Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense by Ellyn Satter. Bull
Publishing, 1986. Paperback.

Childhood Stress: Don\’t Let Your Child Be a Victim by Barbara Kucsen.
Dell, 1986.


Children in the Crossfire: The Tragedy of Parental Kidnapping by Sally
Abrahms. Atheneum, 1984. Paperback.

A Child’s Journey: Forces That Shape the Lives of Our Young by Julius
Segal and Herbert Yahraes. McGraw, 1979. Paperback.

The Conspiracy Against Childhood by Eda J. LeShan. Atheneum, 1967.

Crisis in the Classroom: The Remaking in American Education by Charles
E. Silberman. Random House, 1970.

Dare to Discipline by James Dobson. Tyndale, 1977. Paperback.

Dialogues with Mothers by Bruno Bettelheim. Free Press, 1962. Also
Avon, paperback.

Dr. Spock\’s Baby and Child Care: Fortieth Anniversary Edition by
Benjamin M. Spock, M.D. and Michael B. Rothenberg, M.D. Dutton, 1985.

Dr. Spock Talks with Mothers: Growth and Guidance by Benjamin M.
Spock, M.D. Greenwood, 1982.

Doing Drugs by Bruce Jackson and Michael Jackson. St. Martin\’s, 1983.

Don’t Push Your Preschooler by Louise B. Ames and Joan A. Chase. Rev.
ed., Harper, 1981.

The Erosion of Childhood by Valerie P.

Suransky. Univ, of Chicago Press, 1982. Also in paperback.

Feeding Your Child: From Infancy to Six Years Old by Louise
Lambert-Legace. Rev. ed., Beaufort Books, 1983. Paperback.

The First Three Years of Life by Burton L.

White. Rev. ed., Prentice-Hall, 1987. Also in paperback.

The Games Children Play by A. H. Chapman. Berkley Publishing, 1978.

Good Schools for Young Children by Sarah H. Leeper and others. 5th
ed., Macmillan, 1984.

The Handbook for Latchkey Children and Their Parents by Lynette Long
and Thomas Long. Berkley, 1984. Paperback.

Helping Children Overcome Learning Difficulties by Jerome Rosner. Rev.
ed., Walker, 1979. Also in paperback from same publisher.

Helping Children with Problems: What Parents and Teachers Can Do by
June M. Schasre. Walker, 1978.

Helping Parents Help Their Children by Eugene L. Arnold, M.D., ed.
Brunner-Mazel, 1978.

Hide or Seek by James Dobson. Expanded and updated, Revell, 1974.

How Children Fail by John Holt. Rev. ed., Delacorte, 1982. Also in
paperback from Dell.

How Children Learn by John Holt. Rev. ed., Dell, 1988. Paperback.

How It Feels to Be Adopted by Jill Krementz. Knopf, 1988. Also in

How to Parent by Fitzhugh Dodson. New American Library, 1973.

The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon by David Elkind.
Addison-Wesley, 1981. Also in paperback from same publisher.

Infants and Mothers: Differences in Development by T. Berry Brazelton,
M.D. Delacorte, 1983. Also Dell, paperback.

The Intimate Environment: Exploring Marriage and the Family by Arlene
S. Skolnick. 4th ed., Scott, Foresman, 1987.

Jane Brody’s Good Food Book by Jane Brody. Bantam, 1987. Paperback.

Mind and Media: The Effects of Television, Video Games, and Computers
by Patricia M. Greenfield. Harvard, 1984. Also in paperback from same

Mister Rogers’ Playbook: Insights and Activities for Parents and
by Fred Rogers and Barry Head. Berkley, 1986. Paperback.

Mister Rogers Talks with Parents by Fred Rogers and Barry Head.
Berkley, 1985. Paperback.

Mothers, Fathers, and Children: Explorations in the Formation of
Character in the First Seven Years
by Sylvia Brody and Sydney Axelrod.
International Universities Press, 1978.

Our Special Child: A Guide to Successful Parenting of Handicapped
by Bette M. Ross. Walker, 1981.

Parent’s Guide to Child Nutrition by Boston Children\’s Hospital
Staff. Addison-Wesley, 1986.

A Parent’s Guide to Children\’s Reading by Nancy Larrick. 5th ed.,
Westminster, 1983.

The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease.

Rev. ed., Penguin, 1985. Paperback.

Real Men Enjoy Their Kids! How to Spend Quality Time with the Children
in Your Life
by Steven Shechtman and Wenda G. Singer.

Abingdon, 1983. Paperback.

79 Ways to Calm a Crying Baby by Diana S. Greene. Pocket Books, 1988.

Sexual Abuse: Let\’s Talk about It by Margaret

O. Hyde. Rev. ed., Westminster, 1987.

Signals: What Your Child Is Really Telling You by Paul Ackerman and
Murray Kappelman. New American Library, 1980. Paperback.

Something\’s Wrong with My Child: A Parent\’s Handbook about Children
with Learning Disabilities
by Milton Brutten and others.

Harcourt, 1979. Paperback.

Teaching the Child under Six by James L.

Hymes, Jr. 3rd ed., Merrill, 1981. Paperback.

These Are Your Children by Gladys G. Jenkins and Helen S. Shacter. 4th
ed., Scott, Foresman, 1975.

Toddlers and Parents by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Dell, 1976.

Twin Care by Marci Cunningham. Backwoods Books, 1987. Paperback.

Understanding Your Parents by Harold Rashkis, M.D., and Levon
Tashjian, M.D. Stickley, 1978.

What Every Baby Knows by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Addison-Wesley,

What Every Child Would Like His Parents to Know to Help Him with the
Emotional Problems of Everyday Life
by Lee Salk. Simon & Schuster,
1984. Paperback.

Whole Child-Whole Parent by Polly B. Berends. Rev. ed., Harper, 1987.

Why Isn’t Johnny Crying? Coping with Depression in Children by Donald
H. McKnew, Jr., and others. Norton, 1983.

Working and Caring by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Addison-Wesley, 1987.
Also in paperback.

Your Child\’s Self-Esteem: The Key to His Life by Dorothy Briggs.
Doubleday, 1975. Paperback.

Video Cassettes

Baby Basics. Vida Health, 1987.

Diapers and Delirium: Care and Comfort for Parents of Newborns.
Lifecycle Productions, 1987.

Infant Health Care and Infant Development by Johnson & Johnson and
T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Whittle and A. Eric Jones Productions, 1987.

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