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Agencies and organizations interested in the welfare of children

Agencies and organizations interested in the welfare of children


Hundreds of agencies and organizations in the United States and in
Canada provide information and counseling to anyone seek­ing help with
special problems relating to family and child health, welfare, and
educa­tion. Some of these agencies and organiza­tions are privately
sponsored. Others are sponsored by city, state, or federal govern­ments
in the United States, or by provincial or territorial governments in

Telephone directories usually list local agencies and organizations and,
where they

exist, the local chapters of state, national, provincial, and
territorial agencies and organ­izations. Whenever possible, get in touch
with a local chapter or agency first.

The following list contains names of some of the major agencies and
organizations in the United States and in Canada. The list also contains
a brief description of what each does. To make it easier for you to find
the one you think may be able to help you, the agencies and
organizations are grouped un­der general headings.

United States

Diseases and

physical handicaps


Learning and

social development

Mental health

Welfare and safety


Diseases and

physical handicaps Health and welfare Learning and

social development Mental health

If this list does not include an agency or an organization that seems
equipped to meet your special need, your doctor, the nearest hospital,
the local health department, or your spiritual adviser may be able to
suggest others.

158 \| Agencies and organizations

United States

Diseases and physical handicaps


Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite
505 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 265-0265

Has support groups throughout the U.S.; sponsors the Asthma Care
Training (ACT) asthma self-management program for children, and
disseminates publications regarding asthma and allergic diseases.
Publications are available on request.

National Foundation for Asthma

P.O. Box 33069

Tucson, AZ 85751

(602) 323-6046

Provides medical care for asthmatics referred by their physician,
including those who cannot afford private care. Write for further


American Juvenile Arthritis Organization 1314 Spring Street, N.W.

Atlanta, GA 30309

(404) 872-7100

Seeks the cause, prevention, and cure of juvenile arthritis and related

It helps patients and doctors through research, patient and community
services, public health information, and education.

Birth defects

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue

White Plains, NY 10605

(914) 428-7100

Provides information on research, medical services, and centers.
Pamphlets on birth defects prevention and prenatal care are available.


American Council of the Blind

Adelphi House, M-5

1229 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia. PA 19107

(800) 424-8666

Offers a forum for the support and education for the sighted parents of
the blind or visually impaired, for blind or visually impaired parents,
and others. It publishes a quarterly newsletter.

American Foundation for the Blind

15 West 16th Street

New York, NY 10011

(212) 620-2000

Publishes a directory of about 800 nonprofit agencies serving the
visually handicapped in the U.S.


American Cancer Society, Inc.

19 West 56th Street

New York, NY 10019

(213) 586-8700

Provides education, research, and service to individuals and families.
Filmstrip kits, pamphlets, and manuals are available upon request.

Leukemia Society of America

733 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10017

(214) 573-8484

Seeks to control leukemia through research, education, and service.
Local chapters offer counseling, guidance, and aid to patients and
families affected by leukemia. Information available upon request.

National Leukemia Association

585 Stewart Avenue

Garden City, NY 11530

(516) 222-1944

Dedicated to promoting leukemia research and public awareness. The
association provides financial aid to leukemia patients and families
based upon need.

Cerebral palsy

United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc.

66 East 34th Street

New York, NY 10016

(215) 481-6347

Oversees local affiliates that offer medical, educational, recreational,
counseling, therapy, and other services to patients and their families.
Pamphlets and films are available.

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

6931 Arlington Road, #2

Bethesda, MD 20814

(800) FIGHT-CF

Oversees local chapters that provide com­munity services and referrals. A

wide network of CF medical centers provides diagnosis and treatment.
Literature and audio­visual materials are available from the foundation
and local chapters.


Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf

3417 Volta Place, N.W.

Washington, DC 20007

(202) 337-5220

Encourages the teaching of speech, lip- reading, and the use of residual
hearing to deaf children. Furnishes free information kits on speech,
hearing, and education of the deaf to individual parents and teachers.

The John Tracey Clinic

806 West Adams Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90007

(216) 748-5481

An educational center for preschool deaf and hard-of-hearing children
and their parents. Offers both hearing and psychological examinations
for preschool children with suspected hearing loss. Offers a special
summer program for families the world over; correspondence course in
English and Spanish to help parents teach children to understand and
communicate with language; and a course for parents of a child with both
hearing and vision loss. All services are free.


American Diabetes Association

P.O. Box 25751, 1660 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22313 (703) 549-1500

Conducts education programs and funds research in diabetes. Local
affiliates sponsor meetings for people with diabetes and camps for
diabetic children. Booklets, a free quarterly newsletter, cookbooks, and
other materials are available.


National Easter Seal Society

2023 West Ogden Avenue

Chicago, IL 60612

(312) 243-8400

Provides rehabilitation to children and adults with disabilities from
any cause. Programs include medical rehabilitation, recreation, housing,
transportation, equipment loans, and other services for the treatment
and management of disabling conditions. Booklets and pamphlets are
available upon request.


Epilepsy Foundation of America

4351 Garden City Drive

Landover, MD 20785

(301) 459-3700

Conducts programs in research, public and professional education, and
patient services. There are local chapters in many states. Free
literature is available upon request.

Genetic diseases

National Genetics Foundation

P.O. Box 1374

New York, NY 10101

(212) 586-5800

Encourages prevention and treatment of genetic diseases through service
to physicians and to families who have, or suspect, an inherited
disorder. There is a small charge for this service.


American Heart Association

7320 Greenville Avenue

Dallas, TX 75231

(217) 373-6300

Offers educational programs and materials about cardiovascular diseases
and their prevention through local chapters.


National Kidney Foundation

Two Park Avenue

New York, NY 10016

(800) 622-9010

Provides information; local affiliates provide referral services,
information, and community programs. Call the toll-free number listed
for referrals and other information.

Multiple sclerosis

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

205 East 42nd Street

New York, NY 10017

(212) 986-3240

Is concerned with research into the cause, prevention, and cure of
multiple sclerosis. Local chapters provide client services that may
include special clinics, aids to daily living, and counseling and
referral services. Public and professional educational materials are
available from the society and its chapters.

Muscular dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy Association

810 Seventh Avenue

New York, NY 10019

(213) 586-0808

Sponsors international research seeking effective treatments and cures
for muscular- dystrophy and related neuromuscular

disorders; maintains nationwide network of clinics for diagnosis,
medical care, and counseling. Through affiliates, provides wheelchairs,
lifts, braces, and other orthopedic aids; offers educational and
recreational programs adapted to patients’ needs; provides professional
and public health education. Literature is available on request.


American Lung Association

1740 Broadway

New York, NY 10019

(214) 315-8700

Helps eradicate tuberculosis, control other respiratory diseases,
discourage cigarette smoking, and eliminate air pollution through
research and education. Local affiliates help parents and teachers
develop child health programs. Booklets, films, and filmstrips are
available from local affiliates upon request.


American Academy of Pediatrics

P.O. Box 927, 141 Northwest Point Road

Elk Grove Village, IL 60009

(708) 228-5005

Provides information and assistance on child­health problems to parents
and teachers.

American Dental Association

(211) East Chicago Avenue

Chicago, IL 60611

(800) 621-8099

The national professional organization for dentists. Provides literature
on dental health upon request.

American Medical Association

535 North Dearborn Street

Chicago, IL 60610

(312) 645-5000

The national professional physician membership organization. Answers
general inquiries directed to its library.

American Podiatric Medical Association

9312 Old Georgetown Road

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 571-9200

A national association of podiatrists. Provides literature, films,
filmstrips, and slides about the growth and care of feet to parents,
teachers, and children upon request.

Learning and social development

American Camping Association, Inc.

5000 State Road. 67N

Martinsville, IN 46151 (317) 342-8456

Promotes the improvement and development of organized camping for
children and adults. Furnishes information about accredited camps for
children. A publications catalog is available on request.

Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities

4156 Library Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15234

(412) 341-1515

Offers guidance concerning a wide range of learning disabilities,
including dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and poor
motor coordination. A free information kit is available.

Boys Club of America

771 First Avenue

New York, NY 10010

(212) 351-5900

An association of 275 North American Jewish community centers and Young
Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Associations (YM- YWHA). Local centers
conduct nursery schools and educational programs for preschoolers,
summer day camps, physical education programs, and social work progi’ams
for school-age children.

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

3900-A Harewood Rd. NE

Washington, DC 20017

(202) 636-3825

Founded in 1982 to replace and expand services of previous groups. The
Federation provides national leadership, support, and direction for
adults and youth in youth ministry. Its goals are met through a variety
of programs and services.

The National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc.

71 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10019

(212) 206-0006

A national organization that educates people about racial, religious,
and nationality prejudices. Conducts a five-part program to better human
relations in the United States. This organization provides a variety of
guided workshops and institutes on community relations and the
administration of justice, youth programs, courses in how to rear
children without prejudice, human relations seminars and institutes for
teachers. It also conducts inteiTeligious programs for better interfaith

Play Schools Association, Inc.

(19) W. 44th Street

New York, NY 10036

(212) 921-2940

Holds workshops and discussion groups for parents, teachers, and
volunteers concerned with recreational facilities for children.

Conducts after-school learning centers for “latchkey” children.
Pamphlets and films are available.

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Human Development Services Administration for Children, Youth,
and Families

Hubert Humphrey Building 3rd and Independence SW Washington, DC 20201
(202) 472-7257

Deals with welfare of children from birth through adolescence,
particularly children from low-income or troubled families; children and
youth in need of foster care, adoption, or other child welfare services;
handicapped children; runaway youth; and children from Native American
and migrant families. Provides technical help to local groups with
programs to meet the problems of domestic violence. The Head Start
Bureau helps children from low-income families with educational, health,
nutrition, and social services. The Children\’s Bureau helps state and
local agencies develop programs for families in crisis; adoption of
children with special needs; foster care; prevention of child abuse and
neglect. The Family and Youth Services Bureau helps runaways and their
families; it funds shelter programs which include family counseling and
family reunification. The national magazine Children Today is
published for parents, professionals, and others interested in children
and youth.

Mental health

American Association of Psychiatric Services for Children

1133 15th Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005

(202) 420-9713

A membership organization of psychiatric clinics for children. Local
approved clinics (both inpatient and outpatient) vary as to age range
and services. The association guides parents and teachers in selecting
an appropriate clinic.

National Catholic Educational Association 1077 30th Street, NW, Suite

Washington, DC 20007

(202) 337-6232

Coordinates Catholic treatment facilities and programs for the
handicapped, including treatment for autism, deafness, hearing

impairments, learning disabilities, developmental challenge, and visual
handicaps. Publishes a directory of facilities nationwide.

National Down’s Syndrome Congress

180 Dempster Street

Park Ridge, IL 60068

(800) 232-NDSC

Oversees 500 local groups that provide aid to parents of children with
Down’s syndrome; coordinates the activities of local parent
organizations. Booklets and an extensive bibliogi\’aphy are available.

National Mental Health Association

1021 Prince Street

Alexandria, VA 22314-2971

(703) 684-7722

Works for the care and treatment of people with mental illnesses. Local
affiliates provide referrals and information about community services,
special education, and treatment programs for children with mental
illnesses. Information is available upon request.

U.S. Bureau of Community Health Care Delivery and Assistance

Health Sendees Administration

5600 Fishers Lane

Rockville, MD 20857

(202) 625-8400

Operates outpatient medical facilities providing evaluation, treatment,
and follow-up services to children suspected or diagnosed as mentally

Welfare and safety

American Public Welfare Association 1125 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 293-7550

A national organization of public human service employees, agencies, and
others interested in public human services. Provides information about
public human services.

American Red Cross

A national nonprofit organization reliant on volunteers to carry out its
congressionally chartered responsibility of providing disaster
preparedness and relief as well as assistance to members of the armed
forces, their families, and veterans. More than 2,900 chapters carry out
programs in blood donor services; health, including a donor organ and
tissue transplant service; safety; and various community assistance
programs. More than ten million volunteers, including blood donors and
schoolchildren, help the Red Cross.

Contact local chapters for various publications on services or to

Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America

230 N. 13th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 567-7000

A national organization that matches school­age children in need of
mature friendship and guidance with adult volunteers on a one-to-one
basis. Volunteers are screened and supervised by social work

Child Welfare League of America, Inc.

440 First Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

(202) 638-2952

A national, privately supported federation of private and public
agencies serving children

and their families. Develops and upgi\’ades standards for child welfare
services. Sponsors annual regional training conferences, collects and
disseminates information, publishes professional material, works with
other national and international organizations to improve conditions
affecting the welfare of children.

OURS, Inc.

3307 Highway 100 N.

Suite 203

Minneapolis, MN 55422

(612) 535-4829

Offers problem-solving assistance and information about
adoption—including transcultural and transracial adoption—and
parenting resource information for all kinds of situations.


Diseases and physical handicaps


The Arthritis Society of Canada

250 Bloor Street East, Suite 401

Toronto, Ontario M4W 3P2

(416) 967-1414

Provides funding for research, patient care, and public education. Helps
establish patient support groups. In some provinces, the society
develops services such as pool therapy and home-visit programs for
patients of all ages.


The Canadian Council of the Blind 510-220 Dundas Street London. Ontario
N6A 1H3 (519) 433-3946

Seeks to aid the blind and visually impaired

through social association, recreation, and advocacy throughout Canada.

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind 1931 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4G 4C8 (416) 480-7580

Seeks to improve the condition of the blind and partially sighted of
Canada, to prevent blindness, and to promote sight enhancement. Conducts
a program of rehabilitation and prevention of blindness for children and
adults. Aids parents of blind and partially sighted children with
counseling and services designed to supplement the child’s education.
Provides guidance and counseling for those entering the labor force or
planning a university education.


The Canadian Cancer Society 130 Bloor Street West, Suite 1001 Toronto,
Ontario M5S 2V7 (416) 961-7223

Seeks to control cancer through an educational program of considerable
scope. Offers material and emotional support to people living with
cancer and to their families. Finances cancer research projects. Films,
filmstrips, posters, and pamphlets are available.

Cystic fibrosis

Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

2 College Street

Toronto, Ontario Mil’ 1P2

(416) 960-6268

Conducts research into the basic causes and treatment of cystic
fibrosis, and aids those afflicted with cystic fibrosis. Films and
literature are available from the foundation.


The Canadian Hearing Society

271 Spadina Road

Toronto, Ontario M5R 2V3

(416) 964-9595

An organization serving deaf and hard- of-hearing children and adults.
Provides information to parents on options for communication and
education, such as sign language or oral interpreting, technical
devices, audiological services, and vocational rehabilitation and
employment services.


Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled

1 Yonge Street, Suite 2110

Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E5

(416) 862-0430

An association of nonprofit organizations, including Easter Seals and
Ability Funds, at the national, provincial, and regional levels directed
toward ensuring comprehensive rehabilitation services for physically
disabled children and adults.


Canadian Heart Foundation

  1. Nicholas Street, Suite 1200

Ottawa. Ontario KIN 7B7

(613) 237-4361

A federation of provincial heart foundations throughout Canada.
Information on heart and blood vessel disease is available to parents,
teachers, schools, and other interested parties through the provincial
foundations. Requests from the U.S. for materials not available from

the American Heart Association should be made to the national office of
the Canadian Heart Foundation.

Muscular dystrophy

The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada

150 Eglinton East

Toronto, Ontario M5H 2T7

(416) 488-0030

Supports research programs. Provides direct services to MDAC clients and
their families through a network of regional offices and local chapters.
Literature is available.


Canadian Lung Association

75 Albert Street

Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5E7

(613) 237-1208

A national voluntary health organization concerned with the prevention
and control of lung disease. Carries out programs in medical research,
rehabilitation, and public education. For information, contact the
provincial lung association.

Health and welfare

Canadian Dental Association 1815 Alta Vista Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1G
3Y6 (613) 523-1770

The national organization of members of the dental profession in Canada.
CDA seeks to advance the practice of dentistry and to improve public
dental health. Services include dental health pamphlets and booklets.

The Canadian Red Cross Society 460 Jarvis Street

Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1H6

(416) 923-6692

A national voluntary organization dedicated to the improvement of
health, the prevention of disease, and the mitigation of suffering
throughout the world. Its activities are aimed at assisting victims of
war and natural disasters; at providing water safety devices, blood,
emergency services, and first aid; and at meeting the health and welfare
needs of the community. Publications on all Red Cross programs are
available at national, provincial, and branch levels.

Department of National Health and Welfare Public Affairs

Brooke Claxton Building

Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0K9

(613) 957-2991

Provides advisory and consultative services. Prepares educational
material—booklets, manuals, posters, pamphlets—for parents and
professionals. Prominent among these is The Canadian Mother and Child,
a handbook for mothers. Provincial departments distribute all materials.

Learning and social development

Canadian Council of Christians and Jews

49 Front Street East

Toronto, Ontario M5E 1B3 (416) 364-3101

A national organization seeking to educate people about religious,
racial, linguistic, and cultural prejudices. Among its many human
relations programs, it sponsors a project to promote better
understanding between urban and native youths.

The Canadian Education Association 252 Bloor Street West, Suite 8-200
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V5 (416) 924-7721

A national association whose membership is drawn from senior educational
administrators, trustees, etc., and is supported by tax funds. Its
information service prepares and distributes reports on current
education activities and projects; publishes Newsletter, Le Bulletin,
and Education Canada, annually publishes CEA Handbook listing names
and addresses of senior education officials in school boards and
departments of education; and publishes Directory of Education Studies
iti Canada
and Canadian Education Index.

Canadian Home and School and Parent- Teacher Federation

323 Chapel Street

Ottawa, Ontario KIN 7Z2

(613) 234-7292

The federation of provincial and local associations. Publications on
parent education are available from the federation.

Young Women’s Christian Association of/du Canada

80 Gerrard Street East

Toronto, Ontario M5B 1G6

(416) 593-9886

A national voluntary organization serving 46 YWCA’s and YM-YWCA’s across
Canada. Dedicated to the development and improved status of women and
their families. Services include child care, residences and shelters,
fitness activities, wellness programs, and adult education.

Mental health

Canadian Mental Health Association

2160 Yonge Street

Toronto, Ontario M4S 2Z3

(416) 789-7959

Concerned with improving services for people with mental disorders.
Conducts programs promoting prevention. Provides support through
speakers, literature, and films for parents of children with emotional
and learning disorders and for professional groups working with them.

G. Allen Roeher Institute

York University

4700 Keele Street

Downsview, Ontario M3J 1P3 (416) 661-9611

A federation of groups working on behalf of the developmentally challenged in
Canada. Local associations operate summer camps and other recreational
programs, and provide strategies for community living and

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