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New Words

Some of the words you have met in this book may be new to you. Many of them are words you'll meet again, so they are good words to know. Here are some of these words. Next to each word you are shown...

Books to Read

If you enjoy reading about how your body works and what makes you like and different from other people, look for these and other books in your school and public libraries. Ages 5 to 8 All About Me...

Books to Read

Do you like to think about numbers? If you do, there are many books about mathematics that you will enjoy. You may find these and others in your school or public library. Ages 5 to 8 Beginning to...

Books to Read

If you enjoy learning what makes things work, you will find more books to read. A few of them are listed here. Your school or public library will have many more. Science Magic: Scientific...

Books to Read

If you enjoyed making the crafts and doing the activities in this book, you'll find lots of other good arts and crafts books. Some of them are listed here. Your school or public library will have...


In China, there is a wall that twists and turns like a dragon as it goes over moun- tains and across valleys. It is about as high as a three-story building. And it goes on and on, for nearly 4,000...

Books to Read

If you enjoyed reading about holidays and birthdays in this book, you can read more about celebrations. Some books about them are listed here. Your school or your public library will have many...

Books to Read

Your school and public library have many interesting books about animals for you to look at and read. You may find these and other books there. Ages 5 to 8 Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros (Crowell,...

Books to Read

If you like to read about the world and space, you'll find a wide variety of books to read and enjoy. A few of them are fisted below. Your school or your public library will have many others. Ages 5...