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Plants at work

During the warm summer months all the plants work to stay alive and to make new life. Their roots take in water. Their leaves make food. Their flowers make seeds. As the seeds grow, the flower...

A world full of life

The days grow longer. The air is warm and the ground is filled with water. The new plants are shooting up. They twist and turn and stretch as they grow. They reach for as much sunlight as they can...

The world turns green

Now the tiny green heads of new plants are poking up from the brown earth and around the patches of snow. The little plants hold out their tiny leaves toward the sun. Their roots push down and spread...

Wake-up time

The winter months slide slowly by. The sun begins to shine a little longer each day. The air grows a little warmer. The snow begins to melt and soak into the ground. The earth grows warm and wet and...

Sleeping life

It is the flowers' nighttime . . . In many parts of the world it is winter, and the ground lies cold and hard beneath snow and frost. The sleeping trees are brown and bare. The dry, dead stems of...

Seasons of Life

Springtime is a green time When seedlings start their growing. Summertime's a rainbow time When many blooms are blowing. Autumntime's a brown time When seeds are ripe for sowing; But...